I was very sad to hear of the death of Kenneth Clifford, a former colleague and friend and a notable Councillor and Alderman of the old Bridport Borough Council.

Ken was a man of great talent and a worthy son of his hometown. He was an orator of note, one of the best I have heard, and a master of debate in Council. I respected very much, his ability to speak with authority and common sense and he really cared for his constituents and the problems they faced.

I believe Ken had it in him to rise further in local government and even to represent us in Parliament, but this as not to be.

Maybe the time he loved and his responsibilities to others made this impossible, but all the people of Bridport should remember him as a fine local figure with high ideals and an urge to make life better for his fellow man. He had no illusions, he knew as a postal worker that West Dorset was not so idyllic as many think, with its great coastline and chocolate box scenery.

On his rounds he saw the reality of many peoples lives, tied cottages, poor wages, poverty and lack of opportunity in what remains of the class system in a rural setting, he did what he could to remedy this.

I salute his life and legacy and I hope that the people of Bridport who he served so diligently, will remember him as a man who gave a great deal of his life and energy to help his fellow townsmen and respect his memory for years to come.

John Skevington

Rampart Walk
