Violence at Portland Prison has fallen as more money is spent on inmates, official figures reveal.

But amid record levels of assault and self-harm in jails across England and Wales, MPs have published a scathing report warning that the prison system is in an “appalling state of crisis”.

Members of the Commons Justice Committee accused the Government of having no clear plan for “desperately needed change”.

At HMP/YOI Portland, spending on each prisoner increased to £40,908 in 2018-19, 5% higher than in the previous year, new Ministry of Justice statistics show. In total, £21 million was ploughed into the men-only jail on Portland over 2018-19, according to the data.

Meanwhile, separate figures published by the MoJ recorded 244 assaults at Portland Prison in 2018 – 59 fewer than the previous year.

These included 53 attacks on staff , none of which were considered “serious”, such as those needing medical treatment or resulting in fractures, burns, or extensive bruising.

There were also 336 self-harm incidents , up from 188 in 2017.

Across England and Wales, prison resources cost taxpayers £3.4 billion in 2018-19 – an average of £41,136 per inmate.

The bill has risen by more than £220 million over the last year with prices per inmate hiked by nearly 10% – around £3,500. At the same time, violence in the country’s jails has continued to climb.

Attacks on prison staff jumped 15% in 2018-19, with 10,315 assaults recorded.

The number of inmates self-harming also rose, by 24% over the period, to 58,030. As of September, self-harm incidents per person reached a record 4.8.

There were 317 deaths in custody in 2018-19, 87 of them self-inflicted.

Deborah Coles, executive director of the campaigning charity INQUEST, said the statistics showed an “endless cycle of systemic neglect and political indifference”.

“Any incoming government must radically transform sentencing policy, reduce the prison population and redirect resources to community services,” she added.

The MoJ said it would take time for improvements to be seen in prisons.

A spokesperson said: “We know that levels of violence and self-harm in prisons are unacceptably high, but we remain determined to make progress so that our jails reform offenders, reduce reoffending and keep the public safe.”