More needs to be done to help wildlife and natural environments thrive, campaigners say.

It comes after a survey reveals how important habitats are to people living in Dorset.

In the research, carried out to mark the National Lottery’s 25th birthday, nearly half of people surveyed said they have adapted their garden to make it more friendly to wildlife; over half say that they would like to do more to support wildlife, and more than three quarters say that it should be taken more seriously as an issue in the UK.

The research follows the release of The State of Nature 2019 report which showed the stark challenge we face with preserving UK wildlife, as it was revealed 41 per cent of species studied have declined since 1970, while 133 species assessed have been lost since 1500.

The National Lottery has funded projects in Dorset to help preserve natural heritage including RSPB Arne. Arne remains one of the few places in the UK where all six of the UK's native reptiles can be found. Earlier this year it was awarded £577,800 to develop Hyde’s Heath Visitor Trail.

Wildlife expert Chris Packham said: “As a society, we’re more aware than ever of the need to protect natural habitats and many of us are rightly alarmed that some of our most beloved species in the UK are in decline simply because of the destruction of their habitats - from bumblebees, to hedgehogs. But this new research shows that, while we want to do more to protect our wildlife, lots of people don’t know what practical steps they can take in their daily lives to help. There are simple things we can all do to help preserve natural habitats."

Chris Packham has joined forces with the Wildlife Trusts, the Woodland Trust and RSPB’s across the UK to offer top tips designed to get more people involved in helping nature.

1. Open your garden or balcony as a bird café: Kick off by making your own bird cake or feeders and don’t forget to provide water in a shallow container for drinking and bathing – then sit back and enjoy their antics! Clean your bird feeders regularly to help keep your garden birds safe from disease

2. Grow your plants in containers to maximise space: For those with a small outdoor space or no garden at all, growing plants in containers and hanging baskets is a great solution for a balcony, porch or windowsill

3. Create a pond: This is the single best way of attracting wildlife! Even a tiny container pond can attract a whole host of wonderful wildlife. Ensure there are shallow margins so wildlife can get in and out and include native pondweed