Shortening days and dropping temperatures are the signal for many species to go into torpor, a period of sleep.

Their hibernation can vary from days to months in order to avoid the chill of winter.

Many animals hibernate, including reptiles, newts, bats, dormice and insects (such as ladybirds and queen bumblebees).

These species save valuable energy as food becomes harder to find by slowing everything down, including their heart, breathing and metabolic rates. A dormouse will drop its heart and breathing rates by around 90% while in hibernation.

However, not all animals remain asleep for the whole of the winter. Bats will move around on warmer evenings to find food or move position within a roost, whereas dormice rarely wake from their deep slumber until the leaves are back on the trees in spring.

The ideal spot for hibernating is usually somewhere that will not be disturbed, where the temperature will remain stable, and where humidity is high enough to avoid dehydration while they are asleep; like us, many animals lose water through breathing.

The sorts of places to look out for hibernating animals are around log and rock piles. These are ideal hidey holes for amphibians and reptiles, which will often find a nice safe place buried in the middle to spend the winter.

Dormice are typically found in the bottom of coppice stools, so try not to disturb these areas in woodlands where dormice are known to live.

Hedgehogs often build their nests using loose material, so a hedgehog’s home can just look like piles of dead leaves under shrubs and hedges.

Higher off the ground, bats may be found in cellars or outbuildings, squeezed into any suitable gap like where mortar has fallen out between bricks. Some animals can even be found indoors! Ladybirds make use of gaps around our window frames and doors.

Don’t forget that not all animals hibernate - some just become less active, like badgers, while others, including birds, can still be seen daily.

You can help these animals make it through the winter by leaving out food and fresh water (don’t forget to check it isn’t frozen each morning!) It can be risky for animals to be woken up before they are ready as this uses a lot of energy, so if you find a hibernating animal, put them back where you found them as quickly as possible.

Find out more about winter wildlife at