IT'S time to rethink the drink.

This week is Alcohol Awareness Week – and a number of events are being held across Dorset informing people how alcohol can affect society and families.

The events by Public Health Dorset and partners including Addaction, EDAS and LiveWell Dorset are also a chance to learn about tools and tips to help people ‘rethink drink’ and raise awareness of the services provided to help people reduce their alcohol intake.

The national guideline is that no-one should exceed 14 units of drink a week. This is around six pints of lager or a bottle and a half of wine.

Exceeding these limits regularly can damage physical and mental wellbeing.

William Haydock, Public Health Dorset’s Senior Health Programme Advisor said: “In the South West 24 per cent of the population are drinking more than 14 units of alcohol a week. In Dorset this works out to be 66,098 people.

“Though we know many people can enjoy alcohol responsibly, we want to highlight some of the risks of drinking too much alcohol and what services we have in Dorset to help people break bad habits.”

Families of Alcoholics Expert Jo Huey, who works in Dorset, said: “It brings me a lot of hope and excitement that Public Health Dorset and partners have joined together this year to raise awareness around alcohol misuse, how it impacts on friends and family as well as society. When people are better informed and supported, we all benefit. Families need to know they aren’t alone and society need to understand that just because alcohol is legal, it doesn’t change the impact it has on lives”.

There are a number of local events that residents can go attend to find out more about the effects of alcohol including:

n Friday, November 15 outside NatWest in Weymouth from 11am -2pm EDP/REACH will be available to give advice and information to raise awareness on risks of drinking alcohol as well as providing tips on safe use of alcohol.

Each day Public Health Dorset and partners will focus on different themes that relate to alcohol and its effects on social media.

More information about alcohol and drug services offered across Dorset can be found by visiting