DORCHESTER planning chairman Robin Potter says it’s ‘great news’ that a scheme for 19 affordable flats for rent to local young people is making progress.

The town council’s planning committee recommended the application at its meeting this week for a site which will take over the old tennis courts off West Walks.

The four-storey block, which is being proposed by the town's Community Land Trust is aimed at local working people, up to the age of 35, unable to afford to buy a home in the town. There is expected to be an earning's cap of £30,000 per person to qualify and at least one person in each flat will have to work in the town.

The development has been limited in size because Historic England insisted that the scheme be kept away from the Walks, under which lies the remains of the town's Roman walls.

Commented Cllr Potter after the committee recommended Dorset Council approve the scheme: “It’s to be welcomed. It’s great news and I’m pleased it’s going ahead.”

Dr Andy Stillman, from the Trust behind the project said in his comments in support of the scheme: “I have lived in and around Dorchester for over 30 years and watched as house prices have become increasingly unaffordable for ordinary working people.

“Many young Dorchester workers cannot afford to live in the town where they work. They end up either living with mum and dad or coming in from more affordable towns. This is neither good for the environment nor the demographic make-up of Dorchester. It generates a skewed balance of age groups with too few younger people actually resident in the town.”

He describes the flats as being “small but functional” and says they will be very well insulated and have a low energy demand. No fossil fuels will be used once the building is occupied and the site will be appropriately planted to support the local flora and fauna.

“The money for this project basically comes from central Government via various different channels that the Community Land Trust, West Dorset District Council, as was, and Places for People have been able to access...

“The sooner it goes ahead, the sooner nineteen young singles or couples who work in Dorchester will be able to afford to live here too.”

Public comments on the scheme remain open until December 20.

A decision on the application is expected to be made by a planning officer under delegated powers in the New Year.