MR JOSLIN seems to like the things we all want; fairness, equal opportunity, care for the disadvantaged etc etc. What’s not to like?

Well, the answer to that is the baggage that comes with it if one voted for Mr Corbyn. That is nationalisation of whole swathes of the British economy, fatal undermining of our international treaties and a further weakening of our armed forces, etc, etc.

Those of us who are old enough can remember that we have been here before; when Harold Wilson, Michael Foot and Gordon Brown led Labour governments. And none of those were as extreme as Mr Corbyn who declares that terrorist organisations such as Hamas are his friends and who holds up Venezuela as an example of how to run a country! A man who has never taken his country’s part even when it comes to accepting the incontrovertible evidence of Russian involvement in the Salisbury poisonings.

A person in the position of prime minister cannot afford the luxury of neutrality. The clue is in the name! Whatever advice he or she receives they still have the ultimate (prime) responsibility and have to provide leadership. If they do not government will end up in that place that Mr Corbyn likes best, a student debating society where they talk endlessly about rights and wrongs but never ever come to a decision.

In fact, come to think of it, the same sort or organisation as would result from a system of proportional representation!

John Neimer
