AN application for up to 15 homes at School Hill, Chickerell has been turned down by Dorset Council.

Chickerell parish council was among the objectors asking for the scheme to be turned down on the grounds that it contrary to the Local Plan and did not fulfil the need for a link road, across to Flood’s Yard and onto Chickerell Hill.

Other objections came from Weymouth Civic Society which said the scheme, for land at 20B School Hill, was ‘too urban and dense’ and the buildings too tall for the edge of the village.

In the council’s decision to refuse it says that the proposed development is considered to be premature, being submitted without a masterplan for the site. It also says that the approach would undermine the ability to deliver the link road, allowing a larger scheme to go ahead.

The decision also says the proposed scheme would be contrary to four policies in the Local Plan.