Despite a government edict preventing landlords from evicting their tenants, they are still doing so at an alarming rate. 20,000 evictions are quoted as currently going through the Courts! They should be ashamed of themselves and should be pursued as relentlessly as if they were common law-breakers.

What might have been a better solution would be to suspend domestic home rentals for the 'duration' and suspend interest charges on bank loans on property which isn't owner- occupied. This would avoid the need to evict renters. Might lose Boris a few voters but he has little left to lose now.

Hundreds of thousands are now being thrown out of work and are desperately seeking increases in their Housing Benefit for fear of eviction. What a horror situation to be in! No work, not much food and being thrown into the street. All in it together?

As I pointed out to your readers months ago, Housing Benefit now amounts to £78 billion of taxpayers' money per annum. We appear to be snatching money raised by taxing the masses to fill the purses of the well-off!

It's interesting to note that despite unnecessary travel being banned, there has been an exodus of second-home owners from London and other cities to the West Country. London is a week or more advanced with Covid 19 infections and this stupidity performs just what we have been warned against doing by the World Health Organisation. We should have learned from China about containing the disease. Leaving my home unnecessary could now incur a fine of £30. Apparently, it's OK if you travel by car with your family to your second home in Poundbury for the duration. There are numerous seaside towns where 50% of the houses are second homes.

Let's hope Dorset Council forgets building thousands more houses in Dorchester. All it does is feed the 'bubble' their reluctance to provide council homes has caused. What town and district councils did during the last world war with its acute housing shortage was to expropriate vacant property to house the homeless. Looks like that's what we should we doing now! It would certainly improve social mobility as a change to enforcing our falsely constructed social divides. There but for the Grace.......

Mike Joslin
