PEOPLE continue to flock to Dorset despite repeated warnings to stay away.

Police stopped motorists in Weymouth yesterday who had driven hundreds of miles despite a ban on all non-essential travel.

A spokesman for Weymouth and Portland Police said: "Following on from the patrols conducted on Thursday officers from Weymouth NPT along with the West Dorset County Lines team have been conducting high visibility patrols in the Weymouth area.

"Throughout the day officers stopped over twenty vehicles, including two camper vans, and spoken with several groups congregating where residents have called in with concerns.

"Persons visiting Weymouth for non-essential travel from areas including Bournemouth, Devon, Crawley and Kent have all been given advice around COVID-19 regulations and have returned to their home areas.

"Those people who are considering travelling to Dorset are asked to please not come now.

"We will be glad to see you when the time is right and the current restrictions around travel and social distancing have been lift Dorset Police remain committed to safeguarding the most vulnerable sections of our society.

"During this period we would urge our communities to Stay at Home, Protect the NHS and Save Lives.

"We are pleased to report that the vast majority of persons have been abiding by the COVID-19 regulations, adhering to both the legislation and the spirit of the legislation and following the government's advice."