Today was the last day the extended period of allowing dogs on the main part of Weymouth Beach.

To celebrate my wife and I drove to Weymouth with Jasper our Cocker Spaniel and George our Labrador.

There were many families there enjoying the sunshine and quite a few had their dogs with them.

I am pleased to report that all were social distancing very well and looking after and picking up after their dogs, just as responsible owners do.

At the water’s edge towards the Pavilion end of the beach we were horrified to see three soiled disposable nappies floating in the water.

This is just not good enough as dog owners get a bad press for not picking up their dog’s poo, but no-one ever gets chastised for not being responsible parents with action like this.

In a one hour walk no dog poo was seen but three nappies. I rest my case for the unnecessary ban on dogs on the beaches – perhaps we should ban parents with children in nappies too.


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