THE USE of land for camping at Little Oak Farm, Wootton Fitzpaine has been refused by Dorset Council.

The retrospective application for the Champernhayes Lane site asked for use of the site for six canvas bell tents from mid-July to late August.

A council report said there had already been disturbance for neighbours from the site and there was also concerns about the treatment of waste water from the proposed toilets, hand washing sink and shower facilities.

Several neighbours wrote to object to the original proposal for the tents raising concerns about the impact on neighbours and surrounding landscape which is an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty,  and views from a footpath across valley.

There was also claims that the site was not a sustainable location, remote from facilities and public transport, with campers reliant on cars which, in turn, created increased traffic.

Other issues included the impact on ecology – dormice, bats, badgers and the nearby Site of Special Scientific Interest, with concerns from local people about drainage and potential pollution from waste water.

During the application process changes were made to the proposed siting of the tents, but residents re-consulted maintained their objections.

Toilet and shower facilities under the proposal would have been provided against the eastern boundary of the orchard and would be removed out of season.

In a report recommending refusal a planning officer said: “The impact on the nearby residential neighbours is considered to be unacceptable in terms of noise and disturbance and therefore the application is recommended for refusal. In addition the current lack of detail regarding waste water disposal and potential harm to the SSSI gives reason unless this information were to be provided and consider to be satisfactory.”