WESSEX Water has put together some tips to help its customers use less water.

While there are no concerns about reservoir or river levels in the region, the company recognises this is a time when metered customers might be looking to save money where they can and is highlighting how a few simple steps can reduce water usage – ensuring future demand is met and the environment is protected.

Wessex Water’s top tips for saving water in the home and garden are:

n Wait until you have a full load before using your washing machine or your dishwasher

n Try reducing your shower time to four minutes – each minute less could save you 10 litres of water

n Turn your tap off when brushing your teeth or shaving

n Re-use water from washing up, boiling food and bathing on your plants

n Water your garden in the evening to reduce the amount of water lost through evaporation

n Use a watering can instead of a hosepipe or sprinklers

n Apply mulch to the top of your soil to help it retain moisture

Further information about saving water in the home and garden can be found on the company’s website, where supply customers can also order a free pack of water saving devices.