Hi, it’s Emily and William here this week writing about what part music plays in our lives, and how it has helps us.

We both love music and know that it can help affect our moods and how we behave. For example, for me Emily, I might listen to music on the way to work. Depending on the songs, it can make a difference how fast I walk. If I listen to a fast song I tend to walk much more quickly!

Before I go to bed, I sometimes listen to classical radio because it’s calm and helps me get rid of certain thoughts and ready for sleep. I wouldn’t listen to a heavy rock band as it would probably keep me up all night. I, William enjoy doing word searches before bed!

For me William, certain songs remind me of people and bring back memories. Some songs make me think of our Friendship Club discos like the Pizza Hut song, the Conga or Music Man. I miss them a lot, and my friends I meet there.

I enjoy listening to music when I get home after work, like Fairytale of New York. I like the Proclaimers and while we’ve been talking I have learnt about the film Sunshine on Leith, which has Proclaimers songs in it. I am going to watch it! I hope it’s as good as Blinded by the Light, which has Bruce Springsteen songs in it.

I, Emily have listened to a bit less music since the pandemic because I’ve been busy doing things like going for walks or being online with friends. I miss the music at the Friendship Club discos too.

We both think that without music life would be very boring and we’d end up watching too much TV! Writing this has definitely got us appreciating the music in our lives.

The writers of the Our View column are supported in their editing by People First Dorset - a charity led and run by people with learning disabilities with support from staff