AN AUTHOR has made a big donation to our Christmas Toy Appeal.

Delys Curthoys, an author living in Weymouth, has donated an incredibly generous £200 to the 21st Dorset Echo Christmas Toy Appeal.

Every penny of her donation will be spent on purchasing toys for underprivileged children so they will have something to unwrap on the big day.

Delys, who has four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren, said: “I have donated to the Toy Appeal because I cannot bear to think of any child waking up without a present on Christmas Day.

“I have been through hard times myself and I know what it is like not to have things so, while I am able, I want to be able to do something to help as many kids as possible.

“This year has been unbelievable and, in these hard times, I feel I have to do something.”

In previous years we have put out toy collection bins so that people can donate presents, however, this year, we are unable to do that.

Delys said: “Normally I try and buy a toy at a supermarket and donate that way but sadly we cannot do that this year so I thought I would give a monetary donation instead.”

Last year, the generous donations made by individuals and businesses meant the Toy Appeal raised an amazing £4,933.05, smashing the previous year’s total of £3,428.99.

Delys’s kind donation means that we are edging ever closer to beating last year’s amount which would be a huge achievement.

Debbie Hellaby, brand, marketing and compliance manager at the Dorset Echo, said: “We appreciate that this time of the year is a challenge for every family and this year following the pandemic and with the arrival of the new normal it is even more so.

“Without the support of our readers and local businesses we would not be able to help to put smiles on all those families faces at Christmas, so in advance of your help thank you.”

If you are a business wishing to make a £100 donation, or an individual wishing to donate, please call Maureen on 01305 830811 or email