DORSET Police has reiterated the dangers and legal repercussions of using Nitrous Oxide after discarded cannisters have been found in public areas.

Officers have uploaded an informative post on their social media pages, originally posted from last year, about the effects of using the psychoactive drug.

Supply and production of the anaesthetic agent could result in a prison sentence of up to seven years, an unlimited fine or both.

In the social post post, East Dorset Police said: “Do you know what Nitrous Oxide is? Some people are under the presumption that this is just laughing gas.

“This drug is no laughing matter and Nitrous Oxide is a very dangerous colourless gas that can be extremely dangerous when inhaled directly from the canister.

“If you choose to take Nitrous Oxide you pose the risk of falling unconscious and/or suffocating from lack of oxygen.

“It is classed as a psychoactive drug and it may be possible to become psychologically dependent on this drug.

“If you know of anyone that may be using Nitrous Oxide, please educate them and encourage them to stop immediately. You may just be a life saver.”

Nitrous Oxide is a psychoactive drug and is covered by the 2016 Psychoactive Substances Act, which means it’s illegal to give away or sell.

There’s no penalty for possession, only for those already in prison.