TALENTED care home residents have been tinkling the ivories to celebrate World Piano Day.

Residents at Colten Care's Whitecliffe House in Blandford took to the keyboard on Tuesday to celebrate World Piano Day. The day is always held on the 88th day of the year, reflecting the number of keys on a standard piano.

Maureen Smith, who has played the piano since she was six years old, performed a series of classical favourites in a solo recital. She was also joined for several duets by companionship team member, pianist and cellist Caroline Pugh, and the pair played pieces including Greensleeves, Erik Satie's Gymnopédie and some compositions by Chopin.

Dorset Echo: Maureen Smith, a resident at Colten Care’s Whitecliffe House, on World Piano Day Picture: Deep South Media Maureen Smith, a resident at Colten Care’s Whitecliffe House, on World Piano Day Picture: Deep South Media

Maureen, who is from the Dorset village Sixpenny Handley, said: "I learned piano by ear when I was six and took lessons as I got older. I always memorised the music by heart and remember being told off by my teacher for not reading as I went.

"I've always played for fun and Whitecliffe has rekindled my interest."

Residents Lois Ramsden and Sylvia Drew also took to the keys to celebrate the national event. Proving it is never too late to learn a new skill, Sylvia said: "We had a piano in our house when I was growing up but no one knew how to play.

"I took on the challenge of a New Year's resolution this year to learn to play Happy Birthday in time for my own birthday celebrations in February."

Dorset Echo: Maureen Smith, a resident at Colten Care’s Whitecliffe House, on World Piano Day Picture: Deep South Media Maureen Smith, a resident at Colten Care’s Whitecliffe House, on World Piano Day Picture: Deep South Media

Caroline Pugh, a graduate of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, was thrilled the Whitecliffe House residents got involved in celebrating World Piano Day.

She said: "Playing the piano is a great opportunity to have fun while keeping your hands active and your mind alert.

"It can be calming and inspirational and it is a real treat for fellow residents and staff to hear."

World Piano day was founded in 2015 by the German pianist and composer Nils Frahm. The aim of the day is to create a platform for piano related projects in order to continue sharing the joy of playing the piano.