DOG owners are being warned to keep them away from Easter treats this weekend with both chocolate eggs and hot cross buns posing a serious risk to pets.

Chocolate is probably the most well known food that is poisonous to dogs. It may be tasty to us, but to our furry friends the theobromine and caffeine that it contains can speed the heart rate and stimulate the nervous systems of dogs.

The effect of chocolate on dogs varies depending on the type and the amount that they eat. In small amounts it can cause stomach upsets but in more serious cases it can lead to seizures and even heart attacks.

One vet said: “Easter eggs always wind up getting left somewhere where a dog can try its luck to have a taste. Chocolate might smell good but I can guarantee that it will put you off your Easter eggs when it comes back up from your dog.

“That’s why, it’s a good idea to make sure it is out of reach of your pets.”

It isn’t just chocolate eggs that need to be out of reach, hot cross buns and cakes with raisins, currants, and sultanas are also toxic.

In the worst case scenario, raisins can lead to acute kidney failure and sometimes even death always put these foods in a cupboard or high shelf. If your dog might have taken a bite out of a hot cross bun, phone the vet immediately - if you wait until symptoms develop it might be too late.

The vet added: “Without fail, almost every Easter, a dog will come in that I need to make sick because they have eaten a hot cross bun which is toxic.”