A SERVICE offering home delivery of library books will continue as restrictions ease.

Dorset Library Service has been offering a doorstep service as well as phone calls from volunteers to users throughout the pandemic, while the home visits service was paused.

Before the pandemic, volunteers would deliver books and chat to customers during regular home visits, however, this was halted temporarily during the first lockdown. The service was able to return to delivering books to customers' doors in summer last year.

The service continues to offer doorstep deliveries and, as restrictions ease, it is expected the service will be able to return to home visits where this is the customer's preferred choice.

Dorset Library Service commissions the Royal Voluntary Service to provide the home deliveries.

Maria Jacobson, Royal Voluntary Service manager for Dorset and BCP Home Library Services, said: "We currently have 139 active volunteers delivering books to the doorstep of 400 clients. The majority of our volunteers are between 65 and 80-years-old, volunteering is a means to staying active and involved in community life."