A ROAD in Blandford Forum town centre will temporarily become one-way and vehicles will be unable to park on a separate road for months due to roadworks starting today.

Dorset Council will replace footway paving on various roads in the town centre, including West Street, East Street and Salisbury Street.

The maintenance was commencing today and is expected to be completed by Friday, October 1.

A public notice released by Dorset Council states that restrictions will be in force to allow the repairs to be safely carried out by workers. Alternative pedestrian access will be made available.

West Street, between its junction with River Mews to the junction with B3082 Salisbury Street, will have a temporary one-way order in place from July 12 until Friday, August 20.

Dorset Echo: Where footpaths in Blandford Forum town centre will be repaired by Dorset CouncilWhere footpaths in Blandford Forum town centre will be repaired by Dorset Council

The traffic order will mean motorists will only be able to travel northbound within this section.

As well as this, vehicles will not be able to park at Market Place, between the junction with B3082 Salisbury Street to the junction with Church Lane. This will be in place during the duration of the repairs.

A 2.3 mile diversion route is also set to be imposed, which will see drivers take an approximate six-minute journey around the town to bypass the partial road closure.

Anyone with any concerns or wish to discuss any issues regarding the roadworks can contact Dorset Council online via http://www.dorsetcouncil.gov.uk/roadworks/enquiries