MORE THAN £200 has been raised for lifesavers through strawberry sales.

The Lyme Regis and Charmouth Supporters held its annual strawberry sale outside the Lyme Regis RNLI Lifeboat Station on Saturday, July 3.

Residents and visitors were able to purchase the strawberries and some also chose to make an additional donation.

The group were able to raise a total amount of £203.30 on the day.

A spokesperson for the Lyme Regis RNLI said: "A big thank you to Forde Abbey which year on year gives us access to their strawberry crop to help us raise funds for the RNLI.

"Thanks to all those who bought the strawberries and others who made donations."

The lifeboat team are continuing to fundraise by selling cards featuring a drawing of Lyme Regis and the lifeboat station by artist Terry Harrison. These cards are on sale in the shop at the Cobb for £5 for a pack of 10.