FOUR homes have been approved on a former commercial site in Gillingham.

Dorset Council has given consent for the demolition of the existing building and the creation of the homes with eight parking spaces at the Gillingham Tyre Service site in Queen Street. A previous permission for the site was given in 2015, but never started and has since lapsed.

The proposal involves creating a pair of two storey town house style homes with a pair of, smaller, cottage-style properties.

Concerns had been expressed about overlooking but Dorset Council officers concluded that the space between the new buildings and existing homes should be sufficient to avoid this.

Also approved is an application at the Thorngrove Garden Centre at Common Mead Lane to demolish a shop building and replace it with a new shop and café area, together with new toilets. The scheme also allows for an extension to the existing car park and a new access road for staff parking.