A VICTIM support group in Dorset is raising awareness for the support available for domestic violence victims - regardless of gender.

Victim Support Dorset (VSD) are providing emotional support to all people who have experienced forms of domestic violence.

It comes after VSD reached out to those dealing with domestic violence at home during the Euro 2020 football tournament, which was linked to exacerbate pre-existing abusive behaviours towards women, according to charity Refuge.

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However, the Dorset charity has confirmed support is available to everyone.

A spokesman from the VSD said: "We're here to support all survivors of domestic abuse regardless of gender.

"We offer 24-hour emotional support on 0808 1689 111."

Additionally, a safe space for male domestic abuse survivors can be accessed by calling 07759203288, or emailing abusesupport@bcha.org.uk.