IT HAS just come to my notice that you are closing the branch in Weymouth town centre. I’m asking you to please reconsider that as my wife and family use your branch every day and it would be an inconvenience to close your shop.

For people like me who are elderly or disabled we would have to walk to the Food Warehouse approximately one mile away, whereas now we only have a five minute walk from our home in the centre of Weymouth to Iceland. There are no buses to take us to the Food Warehouse.

As I’m sure other will agree we love your products and your prices are in our range. Also the staff are wonderful - courteous, polite, friendly and always helpful. Also I am sure that holidaymakers will be grateful as well if you keep your shop open here. Please be so kind as to give this a lot of thought for our sakes and your wonderful staff.

It is a necessary service that is needed here in Weymouth town centre.

Dave Johnson
