POLICE have launched a public appeal in the search for a missing man from Bridport as concerns are raised for his welfare.

Mike Long, who is 51 years old, was reported missing at 1.44pm today shortly after he left an address in town driving a grey Audi Q5 with the registration GO 10NGY.

Mr Long is described as five feet two inches tall and of medium build with short black hair. He was wearing a navy blue t-shirt and blue jeans.

Chief inspector Neil Wright, of Dorset Police, said: “We are concerned for Mike’s welfare and we are keen to locate him as soon as possible to check that he is all right.

“I would urge anyone with information as to his whereabouts to please contact us immediately. I am also keen to hear from anybody who comes across the car detailed above.

“Finally I would like to make a direct plea to Mike if you see this – please contact us or your loved ones and let us know where you are as we just want to make sure you are safe.”

Anyone with information or knowledge as to Mr Long's whereabouts is asked to contact Dorset Police at www.dorset.police.uk, via email 101@dorset.pnn.police.uk or by calling 101, quoting incident number 4:378.

  • Mike Long has now been found.