HEALTH Secretary Sajid Javid paid a visit to Dorset's mass vaccination centre as it was announced 16 and 17-year-olds in the UK will be offered a Covid vaccine.

Those now suitable for a first dose of the vaccine are expected to be offered a jab within weeks after a recommendation from the Joint Committee on Vaccine and Immunisation.

Mr Javid, who in June took over as Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, spoke with NHS staff at the BIC in Bournemouth and volunteers from the Community Action Network, who are continuing to provide assistance as the facility.

Speaking during the visit, Mr Javid said he had asked the NHS to prepare to deliver vaccinations to 16 and 17-year-olds “as soon as possible”.

Dorset Echo: Health Secretary Sajid Javid talks to staff during a visit to the Bournemouth Vaccination Centre, in Bournemouth, on August 4. Picture: PA

When asked when the first 16 or 17 year-olds would be able to get their vaccines, he added: “It will be this month and so the way we’re going to roll this out, I think as people will expect, is working through the clinicians, working through GPs, through the primary care networks.

“Also, we will use hospital hubs, we will use hubs like this in Bournemouth today that I have visited, that I was very impressed by, and also we’ll be working through the already existing schools vaccination programme, which I think will help to bolster this.”

Dorset Echo: Health Secretary Sajid Javid talks to staff during a visit to the Bournemouth Vaccination Centre, in Bournemouth, on August 4. Picture: PA

Mr Javid said: “Of course, there’s no compulsion in this, like all our vaccination offer, it’s something for people to consider and to decide if it’s something they want to do.”

He said: “Of course, they may want to speak to their parents and speak to others, they may want to speak to clinicians, and we’ll be making sure that they have all the information that they need.”