TWO vehicles were seized and a driver was arrested for failing a breathalyser test.

Members of the Dorset Police No Excuse team were carrying out patrols  on Friday afternoon.

A motorist in a BMW was pulled over for not having sufficient tax for over a year. When speaking the driver, officers noticed that the occupant of the vehicle had been drinking.

Having failed a roadside breath test and arrested by police, the driver recorded a reading twice that of the legal limit.

A spokesman from Dorset Police No Excuse said: “The BMW was stopped for having 'no tax' for well over a year.

“He was reported to the DVLA and the car was seized.

“On speaking to the driver, it was clear he'd been drinking too. He failed a roadside breath test and was arrested.

“At custody he blew double the legal limit. He will be charged and bailed to court.”

The driver of a Ford Mondeo was also issued a fixed penalty after stopped for no insurance following an ANPR hit.

The Dorset police No excuse spokesman added: “The driver said it was his wife's car. The insurance had not been renewed in July by the policyholder.

“The vehicle was seized, and driver issued a fixed penalty.”