Firework season is fast approaching and with it comes the annual challenge for dog owners of keeping their pooches safe.

Dogs Trust is now providing guidance to dog owners on how to keep scared pups safe during the winter months with events such as Bonfire Night, Halloween, Diwali and New Years all on the horizon.

Dogs Trust manager, Chris Slight. has explained why it is that some dogs get so frightened by fireworks and what owners can do to protect them.

Chris Slight, Manager at Dogs Trust Evesham, said: “Dogs have approximately four times more sensitive hearing than humans, so the loud cracks and bangs of fireworks can often be a terrifying and confusing experience for them. Fireworks tend to be sudden, unpredictable and bright. This combination can be distressing and have a lasting impact on dogs.”

He added: “There are lots of things dog owners can do to help make fireworks less stressful for their dogs. Simple steps such as providing safe spaces for them to hide or settling them before the fireworks start can make a big difference. 

“We would also urge anyone thinking of putting on their own fireworks display to consider the welfare of their four-legged friends and others in the neighbourhood by following our Firework Dog Code.” 

Dogs Trust’s top tips include:

  • Walking your dog before it gets dark and fireworks begin
  • Feed your dog before the fireworks begin as they may not want to eat during
  • Make sure your house and garden are secure during as some dogs may try to run away if they’re scared
  • Provide a safe hiding place as well as closing curtains, turning lights on, and turn up TV or radio volume
  • Keeping your dog busy indoors can help take their mind off the noise
  • Comfort and reassure your dog

If you are planning a firework display at home, please consider:

  • Letting your neighbours know well in advance, so they can prepare their dogs
  • Limiting your display to 30 minutes or less
  • Opting for quieter, lower decibel fireworks

Chris added: “For those who have welcomed a puppy into their life recently, we also have free sound therapy programmes on our website that can help to gradually expose puppies to different noises in a positive way, so they perceive them as normal.  

“If your dog is very worried by fireworks or other loud noises, they might need longer-term treatment. If that is the case, it would be a good idea for owners to have a chat with their vet. They can check there are no underlying health conditions that might be affecting behaviour, and then owners can discuss referral to an accredited behaviourist for support and tailored advice.”