POLICE are warning the public across Dorset about a rise in thefts in gardens and garages.

It comes as part of the crime prevention programme Sheducation, which highlights the growing numbers of shed and garage burglaries.

The police together with the Dorset Crime Prevention Panel are now seeking help from the public to tackle the growing issue.

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A spokesman from Dorset Police said: "The value of property in sheds and garages is more than people think.

"Thieves are targetting them for power tools, and cycle and sports equipment. Hand tools are stolen and then used to break into homes.

"Let's weed out these thieves by getting some sheducation and beat the garden thief."

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Sheducate stands for:

* Secure the access to your shed or garage by locking gates and using thorny bushes next to walls

and fences

* Have you visibly marked the contents of your shed? Make a note of serial numbers and photograph valuable plants and ornaments

* External security lights which are activated by movement are a useful deterrent

* Doors of sheds require attention. Use strong padbars and close shackle padlocks. Up and over garage doors supplied with standard lock fittings should also be fitted with a padlock or lockable bolt. Windows should be secured with locks or grilles

* Use coach bolts or non-return screws to secure door hinges

* Chain cycles, mowers, ladders and tools to a strong anchorage point

* Alarms for sheds and garages are available for under £20 at most DIY stores, catalogue shops and builders merchants

* Together we’ll crack crime. Join a home watch scheme.

* Exactly what insurance cover do you have? Check that your household policy covers you for theft from your garden and outbuildings