Two minutes to midnight!

I have finally found something that I agree with the Prime Minister about.

Unfortunately everything that he is doing denies these words.

The government is still issuing licences for more drilling for oil and a possible coal mine in Cumbria.

Could these companies be donors to the Conservative party or provide holidays for Boris?

This country is the fifth wealthiest in the world, although this wealth is not spread equally amongst us all.

This wealth comes from our burning a lot of coal and then oil in the industrial revolution.

We are now asking developing companies to stop using their coal reserves to grow their economies in the same way, yet we have cut our aid budget by 2% which would enable them to develop alternatives to coal.

There are only 25% of the travellers on the railways since COVID yet we continue to build HS2 costing billions that could be invested in green technologies across the country or fully insulating every house in the country.

The last budget is cutting taxes on local air travel and the banks who are presently making record profits, money that could be spent on a floating wind farm a long way off shore.

Then we would not need an incinerator to fill the energy gap we have in Weymouth and Portland, allowing us to play our part in changing to clean energy.

Blah, blah, blah–or actions that reflect the seriousness of the words spoken?

David Harris
