YOUNG people in Dorset say they often feel ignored or not supported 'in a way that suits them' by the county’s health and social care services, according to a new report.

The report produced by Healthwatch Dorset, an independent health and care champion, found that 95% of young people felt communication between services needs to improve.

While 92% said they felt they had to repeat their background story to different services leading to them feeling frustrated and some said this caused anxiety.

Overall the report concluded social care services need to listen more, communicate better and coordinate their care to provide a higher quality of help to people under 18 in Dorset.

"We know that services improve when they listen to the people they care for and adapt to meet their needs,” said Healthwatch Dorset Manager, Louise Bate.

“We also know that children and young people often feel ignored or don't feel supported in a way that suits them.”

The information was collated as 70 young people in the county spoke with Healthwatch Dorset’s young listeners programme about their experience of using health and social care services.

Ms Bate added: “With the support of our fantastic Young Listeners, we have been able to give young people in Dorset the opportunity to share their stories and their views to influence change and improvement in young people's health and social care services.”

Key takeaways from the new report also found that ‘young people don’t feel listened to and want a person-centred approach’ and that there is a ‘poorly planned transition between children and adult services’.

It was also found that those who responded felt that long waiting times 'deter young people from seeking care and support'.

Health and social care authorities in Dorset have 'welcomed' the report and thanked those who provided the feedback.

Theresa Leavy executive director for children's services at Dorset Council, said: "The incredible work completed by these young people talking and working with their peers in order to support their voices being heard and to shape future services is a huge achievement and we welcome this Young Listeners report. If we really want to see the outcomes for all of our children improve, we know that we will do that much more effectively by working every day in co-production with our children and young people and their families."


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