YOUR report on Dorset Council ‘plans’ to improve social mobility in parts of Weymouth and Portland quotes a council report as identifying inadequately rated primary and secondary schools as one of the reasons for the poor ranking.

READ MOREWeymouth and Portland consistently rated worst for social mobility in Dorset

Perhaps the author had not checked the Gov.UK website which shows that 11 out of 13 primary schools in the area are now assessed by Ofsted as good or outstanding, with just two as requiring improvement. 

As a governor at one of the good primary schools, Bincombe Valley Primary School in the heart of the designated deprived area of Littlemoor, I know only too well how much time and effort all our staff already put into expanding the horizons and raising the life chances of the children.

All too frequently this goes unrecognised although I have no doubt that the staff would welcome any additional practical support from the council once they get their facts straight and their ‘strategy’ sorted out in a few months time.

Stuart Boichot
Littlemoor Road

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