A POPULAR fast-food restaurant in Weymouth has been awarded 'very good' for its overall hygiene rating.

McDonald's, in St Mary Street, has now been given an overall five-star rating following an inspection from the Food Standards Agency on September 21 last year.

The scoring system goes from 0 to 5, with zero meaning 'urgent improvement is necessary' while five means ‘very good’.

The fast-food restaurant has an overall rating of 'very good' for its hygiene handling of food including preparation, cooking, re-heating, cooling and storage the pub has been given; and cleanliness and condition of facilities and building to enable good food hygiene.

It has also been awarded an overall five-star 'very good' rating for its management of food safety, which included system or checks in place to ensure that food sold or served is safe to eat, evidence that staff know about food safety, and the food safety officer has confidence that standards will be maintained in future.