DORCHESTER’S official bid to become a city as part of the Queen’s platinum jubilee celebrations has caused plenty of debate since the initial announcement.

The town is one of 39 to officially bid for the status - councillors have had their say and while some have said it's a positive step to show Dorchester's aspirations for the future, others described it as 'pointless'.

It’s not just councillors divided over whether trying for city status is worth the time or not, so have Dorset Echo readers.


Here is what readers have to say on the official bid


One reader believes Dorchester is not even ‘fit’ to be a county town.

Linda Gaunt said: “It’s bad enough that it’s the county town with virtually no town centre to talk of and very little else to offer.

“All the sites that could have helped the town develop into a decent shopping centre have been built on with flats and a white elephant of a council building.

“That will possibly be turned into yet more flats. Dorchester is struggling to be a town, it doesn’t want to be made into a laughing stock by being labelled the city that never was.”

Fellow Dorset resident Sarah Pamment agreed that the town struggles to attract visitors.

She said: “Dorchester, although the county town of Dorset due to history, is really suffering to encourage visitors at town status.

“It has a long way to go before getting to city status and pulling interest in for visitors.”

While there does appear to a general consensus that Dorchester should not be vying for city status, not everyone agrees - even if it is slighlty tongue and cheek.

Clair Honnor said: “Why not, anywhere along the rail line is just an extension of London.”

Boasting Poundbury and its links with Prince Charles one reader says that may add some weight to a bid.

Alan Tucker said: “If Charles can get away with building Poundbury, I'm sure he can pull strings and make Dorch a city, easy peasy…”

Some did make the argument in favour but most seem to oppose the idea of the Dorset town becoming a city, including Barry Thompson.

He said: “No. Leave it as it is, a lovely market town.”

Others believe it simply could just cost too much if Dorchester did win city status and so would not be worth it.

Damian Lockie said: “Think how much money could be wasted? All those road signs that would need changing, a whole new level of council required, endless traffic management and calming, and they might even get funding to build another bypass so people can drive by without visiting.”


What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.