DEVELOPERS of a site in Weymouth are asking to reduce the number of affordable homes they provide from the project and with less of a discount.

Following a planning appeal in August 2020 an agreement was made between Dorset Council and Devon & Dorset Properties, the developers at the time, that plans for 13 houses and six flats on the land just off Roman Road and Spa Road in Weymouth would include six affordable units with a 30% discount.

The site was subsequently acquired by Clark Estates, represented by Chapman Lily Planning, who say the development’s ‘viability position has shifted markedly since the original application and appeal’.

Developers are now asking Dorset Council to look at an alternative proposal of three affordable units in the plans, which would be two one-bed units and a two-bed unit, with a 20% discount on the market value.

Writing to the council Brett Spiller of Chapman Lily Planning said: “The technical challenges presented by the site, combined with a general rise in build costs (materials and labour) has affected the site's overall economic viability.

“Consequently, the site does not generate suitable incentives for the parties to bring the site forward for development in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework.”

He suggests that the agreement be modified to ensure the scheme can be delivered, adding that Clark Estates ‘has exhausted all other options ahead of making’ the application.

Mr Spiller says that the developers considered removing detailing or downgrading the materials shown on the elevations of the site but it was concluded this would ‘fail to preserve and enhance the setting of the conservation area and fall short of the Government’s aspiration for beautiful buildings and places’.

He also states an application to increase the number of housing across the site, focusing on a reconfiguration of the apartment block and incorporation of two new dwellings, but found this would have ‘resulted in the loss of the footpath connection as well as compromising the area devoted to ecological enhancement’.

Planning approval was originally granted in December 2020 following the appeal which included the affordable homes agreement, amended proposals were then submitted on December 16 last year and are currently under officer consideration.