We invite our readers to join us as Dorset celebrates the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

Seventy glorious years of our Queen in words and pictures, in a special limited edition 116 page nostalgia bookazine.

It may be 1,000 years before such a momentous occasion is repeated so don’t miss out and pre-order your copy now for £6.95 (£4.95+ P&P).

To order simply call 0800 953 0227.

We are sure you will also be celebrating so publicise your community event for free at dorsetecho.co.uk/local-events and share photos of your celebrations at dorsetecho.co.uk/jubilee

Meanwhile, to coincide with the Platinum Jubilee, The Big Jubilee Lunch will be taking place on Sunday, June 5, after the Queen made the initiative an official part of her Platinum celebrations.

Every year since the idea began in 2009, The Big Lunch has encouraged communities to celebrate their connections and get to know each other a little bit better.

Following the success of the first Big Jubilee Lunch, to celebrate Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee in 2012, The Big Lunch will bring the Jubilee celebrations into the heart of every community across Dorset again in 2022.

Organising a Big Lunch doesn’t need to be overly complicated or require a lot of resources or money: it can be as big or as small as you like. Hold one on your doorstep, ask people to come out at the same time, and bring your own snack or drink! Here are some tips to help you get started: Most people hold their Big Lunch on the first weekend in June, which this year includes the extra bank holidays for the Platinum Jubilee celebrations (2-5 June) but if that doesn’t work for you and your community, join in anytime throughout the Month of Community!

Lots of people use their Big Lunch to raise awareness or funds for a cause close to their heart, be it for their own community group or a local asset such as a children’s play area, or for a bigger, national charity. In 2021 a whopping £7.4million pounds was raised at Big Lunches across the UK, and the majority of that was for local charities and causes.