HOMEOWNERS in Dorset are being warned of issues surrounding structural repairs.

The Property Care Association (PCA), a national trade body, is sending the message, and said solutions are easier to come by than in previous years.

The association said key structural problems can include ground movement or subsidence that can pull foundations down, inadequately restrained walls, or mechanical impact and disturbance.

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A spokesperson said: “Although the situation can seem daunting the majority of structural issues no longer present a significant blight on a home.”

James Berry, Technical Manager of the PCA, added: “Structural movement was a major issue in the past, but a greater understanding of the key issues has led to a range of solutions to the problem.

“Repair techniques can include the use of structural wall ties and restraints, embedded wall stitching, strapping and structural pinning, as well as resin bonding or resin beam repairs.

“To achieve a successful outcome, these types of structural repairs should always be specified and supervised by a trained and competent structural engineer, and any installations undertaken by an experienced specialist contractor.”

More details on structural repair can be found at property-care.org.