A hairdressing group based in Dorset hosted a supper club to raise money for UNICEF's appeal to support the people of Ukraine.

Staff at Synergy Hairdressing cooked a variety of authentic Ukrainian cuisine for the occasion, including national treasures, borsch and mizeria.

Those who attended the street part supper club supported the humanitarian appeal by making donations in return for food, drink and a street party.

Natasha Currell, manager at Synergy Hairdressing, said “Watching the harrowing events of the Ukraine crisis unfold every day, it can be easy to feel powerless and do nothing. We had conversations with our customers who were feeling helpless in the same way and wanted to do something.

"So, at Synergy, we decided to do what we could to make a difference and bring a taste of Ukraine to Dorset.”

The fundraiser was part of the charity food movement, #CookForUkraine, setup by Ukrainian chef, Olia Hercules, and Russian food writer, Alissa Timoshkina. Since its inception, the campaign has raised over £800k through bake sales, restaurant donations, and supper clubs.

Natasha continued: “It was great to see our customers and local community come together to raise money for such an important cause while tasting some traditional Ukrainian food along the way. We had all the classic dishes, including chicken kyivs, plov and even homemade vodka.

“I’m so proud of the Synergy community’s work to support those suffering, by offering to host Ukrainian families, making clothes donations, and the supper club, we hope that our efforts will make a difference to those living in terrible circumstances.”

Synergy Hairdressing has salons in Ashley Cross, Poole, and Blandford. See synergyhairdressing.co.uk/ and cookforukraine.org for more information.