A town in Dorset has been declared one of the best “afternoon tea hotspots” in the country.

This week marks Afternoon Tea week and Lottie, a care home and retirement living organisation, has conducted a sconnery deep-dive.

Dorchester has been declared the seventh best location for afternoon tea with an “overall afternoon tea score” of 7.73 out of 10.

The rating was devised after Lottie scoured a business directory to look at the number of venues offering afternoon tea, the average rating of each establishment from reviews and, finally, the average price of an afternoon tea at each location.

Their analysis showed that whilst Dorchester’s establishments had some of the more expensive afternoon teas in the top 20 they were actually fifth for quality.

Topping the list was Bowness-on-Windermere in the Lake District.

More information and a full list of towns and cities analysed can be found at lottie.org.