Police have stepped up patrols on Portland following reports of drug use.

Patrols around the M.U.G.A on West Weares have been increased in response to concerns from local residents.

As reported, Dorset Police has previously received concerns around possible drug use involving people in tents.

At the time, a Dorset Police spokesperson said: "We would encourage everyone to please report incidents of ASB to Dorset Police.

"These reports help us to build an intelligence picture across the area to find out where anti-social behaviour is occurring and to direct patrols to any areas that have increased reporting of ASB."

A spokesperson for Weymouth and Portland Police said: "Responding to concerns from local residents, PCSO Jason Newall has increased patrols around the MUGA on West Weares after reports of drug use.

"Portland NPT always listen to our communities concerns. If you have an issue which you wish to report, please contact us."