UP to nine homes are being planned on a Chickerell site known as the North Ground Piggery.

The plot of land, off School Hill, is being considered by Dorset Council for the principal of development at the request of Nord Homes Ltd.

If approved it will fill in a gap of an adjoining, larger, development currently being built.

According to a planning agent acting for the company the 4,200 square metre site is currently being used for grazing. If consent is given for the new homes it will also result in the demolition of a stable block.

A site to the north and west, at Bank and Ridge Farms,  is currently under construction for up to 290 homes with agents suggesting that, subject to permissions being granted, there could be a link made through to join the two developments.

The nine proposed homes includes a mixture of three and four-bed houses and bungalows, each property with a garage, an electric vehicle charge point and an additional parking space.

Access to the site, which will be laid out as a cul-de-sac with a turning head, will be off School Hill if the council agree the outline application.

Public comments on the proposal remain open until August 24th. The application is reference 2022/03523 on the Dorset Council website.