ONE of Weymouth's oldest businesses is closing after 155 years of trading.

Comptons stationers and art shop was founded in 1853 and has been a familiar St Thomas Street frontage for decades.

Now Trevor and Roger Wormald are calling it a day and the business will close its doors for the last time at the end of the month.

Trevor Wormald said: "We are closing because of a combination of things. Roger and I are retiring and there has also been the pressures of trading.

"It will be a sad day when we close for the last time and the end of 155 years of history."

He added that, including himself and brother Roger, a total of eight jobs would be lost with the closure.

He said: "I have been associated with running the business for 39 years and in that time I have seen a complete change in the town, our business and in trading.

"There used to be two-way traffic outside but now St Thomas Street is effectively traffic-free.

"Another big change has been the town centre being transformed by the new shopping centre being built."

It was that redevelopment which forced Comptons to move, but only two doors up St Thomas Street to make way for the new scheme.

Mr Wormald said: "We have also seen the arrival of multiple sellers and the internet, both of which have contributed towards our decision to close. The inner harbour marina was another big change.

"Now we are going and I don't think that Weymouth will ever see another specialist stationery and art shop like ours again. It is another character shop gone."

Weymouth Town Centre Group chairman David Johnston said: "Personally I am saddened that we are losing yet another specialist shop so soon after Snows closed.

"We can ill afford to lose businesses of this calibre and Comptons has been a familiar shopping sight for many years. The group is very concerned at the number of shops which have closed - about 16 are empty at the moment - and we will be discussing it with the council."