A PROJECT to demonstrate how digital technologies can make towns more ‘smart’ places to live and work has been tested in Weymouth.

The results of the pioneering project will be unveiled at this year's Festival of the Future - an annual event run by Dorset Council - with special guest and renowned urban designed Wayne Hemingway.

Spearheaded by the award-winning 5G RuralDorset team, the ‘smart place demonstrator’ tested how next generation connectivity could help businesses, residents and visitors enjoy Weymouth’s seafront even more.

Mr Hemingway will talk about how urban design can transform towns for the better.

Tim Robertson, of the 5G RuralDorset project, said: “We have used what we learned in the 5G RuralDorset project to test the same technology in an urban setting.

“This is not something that is going to change our towns today but it definitely opens up discussion on what can be done in the relatively near future to make Dorset’s towns better places to live, work and visit.”

At the festival, which will be held on Weymouth Harbour on Friday, October 14, tourism students will demonstrate how tech like Augmented and Virtual Reality could enhance the visitor experience at Nothe Fort.

Weymouth businesses will also be joining the event to show how they are using the latest technology in their everyday practices. Local 'embedded digital champions' will explain how they are helping patients at Weymouth surgeries to use the latest health applications.

#FutureFest22 will see events held in Bridport, Dorchester, Weymouth, Ferndown and Winfrith from Monday, October 10 until Friday, October 14.

This year’s festival will feature ground-breaking digital innovation in farming, education, tourism, health and the climate.

A spotlight will be thrown on the breadth of careers in digital and the support available to help small businesses innovate.

The festival will also highlight the importance of making sure everyone is included in the county’s digital future and that Dorset has the right skills for a digital economy.

The free event in Weymouth will take place on October 14 and will be held from 10.30am to 12.30pm.

To book tickets go attend in person or to watch online go to www.dorsetcouncil.gov.uk/festival-of-the-future-2022