A 'NO budget' feature film about Thomas Hardy shot on an iPhone is to receive a big screen premiere.

The film was made by Hardy enthusiasts, Rose and Ann-Marie Goldthorp, and will be shown at the Royal Manor Theatre on Portland.

The enterprising pair, who are behind a project called Wessex Dramas project, will preview the first of their Thomas Hardy feature films on Saturday, November 19.

'Hardy's Regrets', the collection of Hardy short stories/films comprises three ghost stories and a comedy, and is made by local volunteers who are also making dramatic podcasts of the iconic author's various novels and short stories.

The short films are set in 19th century Dorset and were filmed on Portland and around Dorset with local actors and crew.

They include The Suspicious Man, taken from Thomas Hardy's eponymous tale, and The Withered Arm, Hardy's short story which shows how a dream can become reality.

Rose Goldthorp, a recent graduate from New Zealand who has settled in Weymouth, is director/co-writer and cinematographer of Hardy's Regrets.

She said: "I'm completely amazed by all the really nice people who have pitched in to help make this year's podcasts and feature film, even though I only shot the latter on my iPhone."

In the next few years Rose and Ann-Marie hope to make a living as filmmakers.

They will be giving half of any monies received to various charities that have helped them with this project, such as The Hardy Society, The New Hardy Players, The Weymouth Movie Makers, the National Trust and The Royal Manor Theatre.

The other half of any profits made will go towards the costs of making the films such as future possible locations, possible catering, and technical gear.

The Wessex Dramas project is also attempting to seek sponsors for this ongoing venture which will bring Thomas Hardy stories to many more people.

Rose and Ann-Marie have just started on the adaptation of the last of the eight Thomas Hardy features which are planned for initial production.

Tickets for the preview of "Hardy's Regrets" on November 19 are on sale now for £8 at www.royalmanortheatre.co.uk/

Find out more about the Wessex Dramas project at https://thedailydilettante.com/

To contact Rose and Ann-Marie Goldthorp email info@thedailydilettante.com