A mum has paid a touching tribute to her daughter, a teacher whose body was found eight days after she was reported missing.

An inquest into the death of Laura Dodon, 43, heard from Susan Peters who said her daughter displayed “strong survival instincts” to “battle” through ‘traumatic incidents’ and health issues.

Mrs Peters said Ms Dodon, who lived in Dorchester, “achieved so much” and should be ‘remembered for her 43 years of life not for the way she died’.

She told the inquest: “Laura was so much more than someone who suffered cruelly from physical and mental ill health.

“She was sensitive, loving, caring, kind and generous to a fault… what stands out is her warm and beaming smile.

“I’ve often remarked that she would give someone her last penny if she thought it would help because that is the person she was.”

Ms Dodon’s body was discovered on August 5, 2020 at a field south of Dorchester Rugby Club. She had been reported missing on July 27, having last had contact with her mother on July 21.

A pathologist was unable to rule a cause of death.

Mrs Peters described her daughter's love for swimming – saying she learned to swim before she could walk – as well as a ‘fascination with the natural world’.

The inquest heard Ms Dodon had  'battled alcoholism for a number of years' after a ‘traumatic incident’ her mother believed occurred whilst Laura was travelling in Russia – an incident Mrs Peters said her family would ‘never fully know or understand’.

Mrs Peters said: “However there is a happy side to his, from February 10, 2010 (Laura) turned her back on alcohol and became a staunch supporter of Alcoholics Anonymous. She lived alcohol free for ten years and I remember those ten years with a feeling of pride. She always had a strong survival instinct.”

Ms Dodon was last in contact with her mother on July 21 – a day Mrs Peters said was “a lovely, lovely day” and that her daughter was “as well as I have seen her”.

The inquest heard of Ms Dodon’s love for astrology and stargazing – her mum told the inquest she ‘hopes Laura was stargazing on the day she died’.

She said: “Laura is not just a memory, she is a part of us and we carry her with us always. She will live on in our hearts.”

The inquest is ongoing.