The latest anti-social behaviour figures in Littlemoor have decreased by 50 per cent since December last year.

The community of Littlemoor have been working hard to try and drive down crime rates in the area and in December 2021, 60 crimes were reported in the area, 32 of which were recorded as antisocial behaviour.

The figures for November 2022 now sit at 41 overall crimes being reported with 16 reported as antisocial behaviour, 9 violence and sexual offences, 6 public order and 10 other.

Councillor Louie O’Leary of the Littlemoor and Preston Ward said: “This is down to cross agency working.

"We’ve held our regular public meetings, encouraged reporting of incidents to build up data, pro-active policing and increased surveillance in hotspots.

“There are still some issues ongoing, we had a few isolated incidents in November that are being looked at but I know from walking the estate every day and talking to people that things are improving.”

He added: “These efforts have made people feel safer in their community. Every area has their ups and downs, but we have a good community.”

Cllr O’Leary emphasised how important it was for people to report any criminal activity they may have witnessed as a method of tackling antisocial behaviour.

Mr Tony A’Lee, coordinator of the Community Safety Forum and a local resident said: “During the past year, the Littlemoor Safety Forum along with our area Dorset Council, Councillor Louie Oleary and the Neighbourhood Police team have worked hard to reduce the amount of antisocial behaviour in our area.

“The figures tell the tale ,which is very encouraging, and this gives residents a feeling of now living in a safe environment - But we must not be complacent as there is still work to be done to reduce the figures even more.”

Mr A’Lee suggested that the team are trying to crack down on the ‘when, where and what of antisocial behaviour in Littlemoor’ and noted that with all of the efforts made to decrease it which finally appear to be paying off, ‘now is not the time to take a step back.’

He added: “Less crime is happening as more is being reported – it is working.”