PROPOSED new developments are often divisive – sparking passionate protests (and cries of ‘NIMBY-ism.’)

Not so much with planning strategy documents – or Local Plans – which are, admittedly, not as ‘juicy’ a topic as proposals for luxury flats or a waste incinerator – but can have a major impact on what gets built, and where.

Genuinely affordable homes, employment and protecting green spaces are all high on the agenda for a new Weymouth Neighbourhood Plan that’s currently being drawn up by the town council – and residents are being urged to share their views in a survey.

The Weymouth Neighbourhood Plan will shape planning decisions in the town for the next 17 years - so it’s vital that people have a say on it, according to councillor David Northam, who is chairman of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group.

“People have a golden opportunity to help shape Weymouth’s future - including what sort of developments are built, and where they should be – as well as protecting our green spaces and improving cycle routes,” Cllr Northam said.

The steering group has been working with residents to create a draft version of the plan, which has now been published along with a survey.

Weymouth Town Council also wants residents’ views on what can be done to address affordable housing provision, and how Weymouth can address the climate emergency by giving views on things like whether new developments should be carbon neutral, enhance biodiversity and be energy efficient. 

The survey will run until Tuesday January 31: results will be incorporated into the draft Neighbourhood Plan which will be published later this year. A formal consultation will then be held.

“This is about creating a neighbourhood plan that reflects the rich history, heritage and character of Weymouth, but also ensures it feels owned by the residents,” said Cllr Northam. “It will affect everyone who lives or works in the town.”

As well as taking part in the survey, residents are being urged to share it with five friends, colleagues, or family members.

The survey and associated documents can be accessed online at

Paper copies are available at libraries in Weymouth, and at the Weymouth Information Shop on St Mary Street opposite Marks & Spencer.