A volunteer from the Weymouth and Portland Lions Club will be embarking on a mammoth 1,200-mile drive in aid of war-torn Ukraine.

Kevin Brookes, a former mayor of Weymouth and Portland, will set off on his five-day journey on Thursday, February 2 as he joins a convoy of 10 vans organised by a team of dedicated volunteers from the south west.

The team's aim is to deliver humanitarian aid to Ukraine via Poland with the help of the Polish Humanitarian Army, meaning everything will go straight to those who need it.

The vans are being organised by the 'Sending Love To Ukraine' group from Devon and Cornwall, while Kevin will also be joined by other volunteers from lions clubs in the south west. 

"I know many people in this country are struggling to make ends meet now with increases in food and energy, so l quite understand if you are not able to donate at this time," Kevin said.

"However, anything that you do donate will be put to good use. For every £5 donated gets my van a further 20 miles down the road.”

The priority for this convoy is essential medical supplies that the hospitals and refugees are in desperate need of, together with many everyday items.

However, the trip to transport the supplies to Poland is costly and includes the price of diesel, a ferry and accommodation en route.

Any donations left over from this trip will go towards the cost of another van for the next planned trip to eastern Europe in March, of which further details will be released in due course. 

Essential items that are needed include toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, shower gel, nappies, ladies’ sanitary items, paracetamol, ibuprofen, wet wipes, baby lotions, baby food, and nappy rash cream.

A more comprehensive list can be found Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/weymouthlionsclub

To donate, visit https://gofund.me/2307119b