SINKHOLES have been spotted on a coast path in Dorset which have forced the council to divert the route.

The holes were found on Footpath 6 by West Weares on Portland and are suspected to have arisen due to 'future wider cliff failure'.

Dorset Council has announced it is diverting the South West Coast Path as a result of the discovery of the sinkholes, as well as moving the current footpath closure back towards Priory Corner.

"Our erosion risk management team have noticed these sinkholes on Footpath 6 by West Weares on Portland, which they suspect could be part of a future wider cliff failure in the area," the local authority said on social media today (Thursday, February 16). 

"As a result, we’re moving the current footpath closure back towards Priory Corner, and will be diverting the South West Coast Path along existing rights of way through Tout Quarry.

"For your safety, please note on-site signage and do not use the footpath within the closed area. Thank you."

Dorset has been hit by a series of cliff falls in recent months, including a major fall in at West Bay in west Dorset on January 18. 

There was also a landslip on a beach in Lyme Regis earlier this month.

People are reminded to avoid going near cliff edges and following safety signage in place on the 'unpredictable' coastline.