A west Dorset farmer is in despair after losing even more sheep to a savage dog attack.

Less than a month since losing four pregnant sheep in a dog attack, Cameron Farquharson – who owns animals on Eggardon Hill near Bridport – has been ‘heartbroken’ to find three more of his sheep killed by a dog in what he is calling ‘unsustainable losses’.

After receiving a call on Tuesday morning, Cameron Farquharson went out to find that three of his sheep had been brutally attacked, including one still alive with its back ‘ripped apart’ which bled out shortly later.

Mr Farquharson said: “This seems to be getting worse and worse every year. It is heart-breaking.

“It's going to get to the point where I don’t put my sheep on the hill or I need to talk to the National Trust about restricting dog access to the hill when sheep are up there.

“No business can sustain these losses, especially with how things are at the moment. Some of these girls who have died are the next generation of the farm. All of the time and effort has gone into these animals, and we are losing them in a flash.”

Dorset Echo:

Dorset Echo:

As previously reported in the Bridport & Lyme Regis News, Mr Farquharson lost four pregnant sheep to a dog attack on February 5.

READ MORE: Heartbreak for farmer after FOUR pregnant sheep brutally killed by dog

Eggardon Hill is a National Trust beauty spot. A spokesperson from the National Trust said: “We are saddened and frustrated to hear of another avoidable incident on Eggardon Hill in Dorset. 

"It is imperative that all visitors follow the Countryside Code and keep their dogs on leads around livestock – both for the safety of the livestock that lives there and the dog itself.

"We want to help our tenants, and other farmers, to protect their livestock, particularly when animals are at their most vulnerable.

"We know there are many responsible dog owners that enjoy the countryside, but unfortunately some do not adhere to signs or instructions despite our best efforts.

"We have offered our support to Mr Farquharson.”

In May 2021, Mr Farquharson's Highland cow Gladis was killed by an off-lead dog, which encouraged him to push for new laws to keep dogs restrained when walking near livestock and tougher punishments to protect livestock by launching the Gladis's Law campaign.

Dorset Echo: